Explore London Transport Museum with Depot Open Days



Next weekend London Transport Museum is throwing open the doors of its working Museum store in Acton Town for the public to explore.

London Transport Museum’s Depot, Acton, London W3. Half-Term family fun. Miniature Railway. May 29, 2021. NB: CONSENT FORMS SIGNED FOR PEOPLE IN PHOTO NOT FOR WOMAN AND BOY IN GREEN ON TRAIN (RIGHT)

Normally closed to visitors, Depot Open Days are special themed events throughout the year that offer the public the chance to explore the Museum Depot’s vast collection of over 320,000 historical objects not on display in the Covent Garden Museum, while enjoying a lively programme of activities.

The next event, ‘Electric Journeys’ 24-26 March, is themed around the story of London’s electrification and how this has shaped the city’s transport system through the ages – from the early days of electric travel to the oyster card revolution and visions of London’s electric future.

Learn about the electric pioneers and advancements in London’s transport story through fascinating curator-led talks, explore the influence of the electric revolution on art and design on a tour of the Depot’s mesmerising poster store, admire impressive electric vehicles from London’s past and present, and take a ride on a miniature railway.

Adult tickets costs £15 and £7.50 for children. Children aged 3 and under go free.Book at ltmuseum.co.uk/whats-on/depot/depot-open-days-electric-journeys


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